It's in that same mindset (brilliant, piercing, correct) that Doom suggests we move away from the usual baked dishes and fried entrees. Let us explore a new dish as we huddle for warmth in this brutal winter and bolster each other with our common humanity.
Doom actually is still shoveling out from under all these party leftovers. That means the massive freezer must be emptied to accommodate these pies and cakes. Doom can scarcely toss them out, you understand, even with your paltry brains. Doom may as well give them to those rehearsing peasants.
Oh, Doom is on a roll today. Doom still has it.Walk with Doom to the pantry. Take in Doom's glory once more as Doom concocts a meal to fend off this chill.
Cajun Chicken Sandwiches
1 pound boneless chicken fillets (or pork or fish)
1/4 cup Thousand Island dressing
Tabasco sauce/hot sauce
1 red pepper
1/2 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese
four hamburger buns
olive oil
Cajun Seasoning (equal parts onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, ground cayenne pepper, & paprika)
Doom commands you to:
+ Combine seasoning ingredients in a saucer or bowl and set aside.
+ Combine dressing and several dashes of hot sauce to taste. It will take quite a bit of sauce to add kick to that much dressing, but you'll use it all as a sandwich spread.
+ Place meat pieces in Ziplock bag(s) and flatten with a meat tenderizer/mallet to about 1/2 inch thickness.
+ Brush oil on meat and sprinkle cajun seasoning liberally on both sides of meat.
+ Broil or grill chicken for roughly 12 minutes, turning once.
+ Cut pepper into slim strips.
+ Toast buns (and spread with butter if preferred). Spread hot dressing mix onto bun tops and bottoms.
+ Assemble sandwiches with meat, pepper, and cheese. Add tomato, lettuce, or other topping to taste.
+ Devour and wonder why you made so few.
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